When do you get overwhelmed as a mom? I know that Instagram shows us all the perfect moms every day. You know the ones I speak of, the hair is ideal, the make-up is flawless with the family photo where everyone matches, and the kids never misbehave. These moms run a farm, grow their family’s food, cut fresh flowers for the dinner table, and the kids never complain about chores.

As I was typing this, my voice almost heaved. We all know deep inside that this is not reality, but seeing these images on social media causes us to doubt and even envy these pretend lives. When we were raising kids, our lives were as opposite of that as they could be.

I can not count the times I went to bed with a wife feeling defeated by motherhood. The sink had dishes, the washer and dryer were full, and the basket of clean, unfolded clothes often became a dresser as the kids dug through looking for a school uniform.

This is why we celebrate Mother’s Day: to encourage our moms as they try their very best yet often feel like failures. You are not a failure, just exhausted. You are a daughter of the King who was fearfully and wonderfully made. As a husband and a father who failed to help his wife more in my younger years, I want you to know Carah, and I see you. We see the struggle, the fatigue, the burden; we know the pain.

Our desire for you is not to do it all. You do not have to be the coach or team mom. Skip the PTA meeting. You sure don’t have to look like the Instagram moms we see online. The kids’ hair can be messy, the shirts can have wrinkles, and the socks do not have to match. We want you to know that only two things will ultimately matter.

The kids will never remember most of your activities, but they will remember you slowing down and loving them. Please slow down, read to them, pause and listen, and most importantly, ensure they feel heard.

The only thing that matters is a genuine relationship with Jesus. Make sure they see you in your Bible, overhear your prayers, and, when life has overtaken you, see you sobbing before the Lord. Remember that so much more is caught than is taught. If we have one regret, we had too much of the world in our home and not enough peace. If you feel chaos in your home, it’s time to eliminate activities so the Shalom of the Lord can rule your house.

This Sunday at 9:30, we are going to celebrate Moms. Will you join us?

Pastor Chris & Carah