What is it about change that is so hard? As I search my heart, I realize that I can fear change. As I look back and take an inventory of the times that I was fearful about the changes I was going through, I never had anything worthy of my fears.

Looking back, I see that most of the changes in my life had a positive outcome. Most of the change was uncomfortable, and a few were even painful. When I lost my job at UPS, it was excruciating. I had a wife who was a homemaker and three kids under 5 in my home. I went from being a provider to being unemployed in the blink of an eye.

What was the outcome of this change? My family survived; we never went without food and did not lose our homes or cars. People went by our house and left gift cards to Save Mart on our doors, and we both found jobs. Five months later, I started Carpet Masters, and for the next 23 years, it provided food, housing, Christian education for our three kids, and vacations. The most significant outcome was that I found Jesus, and He filled our lives with grace.

Why was I so afraid of this change in my job? Not one bad thing happened to us, but so many blessings came from it. God’s hand was always upon my life, and each change in our lives has led to this place here. I can say that God is way wiser than any plans I could have wanted for myself.

What changes are you facing in this season of life? Are you scared? Could it be you can not see the bigger picture? I had no idea the path God was leading me down. My guess is you won’t either. We are not alone. The scripture is filled with people whose life direction was altered by God.

The bigger question is, can we trust the unseen? Can we be flexible enough and trusting enough? Can we just rest in that Jesus wants to grow and stretch us in ways we have never thought about? I know change is hard, but nothing in this life is easy if it is beneficial.

Phil 4:11-13 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

See you Sunday at 9:30 as we look at another parable in the book of Matthew.

In Him,
Pastor Chris